Application form   ->   Formula


CubeDrive allows the user to define the formula field type. With formulas, users can easily process some data calculation. It can be used to:

Setup formula

When creating a new field, author can drag the Formula field type from the field list and drop to the center panel. You also need to set the formula properties on the right panel.

To setup a formula, you need enter the format with "=" start in the formula text field.

Tip: user can setup another formula format based on certain pre-defined condition.

If the formula result is double (such as a currency result), please check the following setting. In APP, the double format formula will be able to process further calculate action.


=concatenate('【',if(${'role'}='employee','employee-',''),if(${'role'}='manager','Manager-',''),'CubeDrive',if(${'role'}='CEO','-CEO,',''),if(${'role'}='employee','-employer,',''),if(${'startDate'},TEXT(${'startDate'},"MM/dd"),'Recently ') ,' run】', ${'type'},',',${'body'},',',${'rank'},',',${'total'},',',${'period'},',',${'location'},',History:',${'history'}, if(${'extra'}, '
'+${'extra'}, ''), if(${'interesting'}, '
'+${'interesting'}, ''), if(${'code'}, '
'+${'code'}, ''))


Here lists the supported formulas at this moment.