CubeDrive - create the online application without code

CubeDrive provides an enterprise solution that allows business to create the online application without code, automate the business process with workflow, analyze data, and share results.

Cloud based lightweight solution

CubeDrive is a cloud-based lightweight solution designed to help businesses manage data and workflows.


CubeDrive offers an affordable solution that helps organizations efficiently manage their enterprise data.

Customization and Integration

Businesses can drag and drop to create the applications to meet their unique needs, including custom fields, forms, and business flows.

Superior customer support

Count on our expert support team to ensure the success of your business and help you maximize the potential of your business growth.


Salesforce - CRM solutions

Salesforce is a popular choice among businesses of all sizes and industries, looking for a reliable and comprehensive CRM solution. Salesforce CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline various aspects of customer interaction and business processes for organizations.

Cloud-Based System

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) system that enables businesses to efficiently manage customer interactions, data, and operations.

Sales Management

Salesforce is designed to manage customer information and automate the sales process. It helps sales teams with lead generation, opportunity management, forecasting, and tracking sales performance.

Customization and Integration

Salesforce offers extensive customization options through its drag-and-drop interface and development tools.

Analytics Cloud

Salesforce allows users to visualize data, create reports, and perform advanced data analytics.


Reasons for choose CubeDrive

Choosing a lighter CRM solution like CubeDrive over a more comprehensive platform like Salesforce can be advantageous for small organizations with limited funds for several reasons:

Ease of Use

CubeDrive features a simpler interface and fewer complex functionalities, making it easier for teams to use without specialized training. This reduces the need for extensive onboarding and training time.


CubeDrive's lightweight CRM solutions are far more affordable than Salesforce, offering lower subscription fees and fewer additional costs. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses with tight budgets.

Less Resource Requirements

"Comprehensive solutions like Salesforce require more resources, both in staff and time, to manage effectively. In contrast, CubeDrive allows smaller organizations to invest significantly less in CRM management.

Enough Customization

While Salesforce offers extensive customization, small organizations may not require such complex features. CubeDrive provides sufficient customized functionalities without overwhelming users with unnecessary options.

Less Implementation Time

Lighter CRM systems can be implemented more quickly due to their simplicity, allowing small organizations to start benefiting from the CRM without a prolonged setup process.

Simple Maintenance and Updates

Comprehensive CRMs often require regular updates and maintenance, which can be resource-intensive. CubeDrive, however, requires less maintenance, making it more manageable for small teams.

Integration Needs

Small organizations may not need extensive integration with other systems, which is one of Salesforce's key strengths. CubeDrive, however, offers sufficient integration capabilities to meet basic requirements.

Direct Support

While Salesforce offers a vast support network and community, CubeDrive provides more targeted, personalized support, which can be particularly beneficial for smaller organizations.

Less Risk of Overspending

Investing in an expensive and comprehensive solution like Salesforce carries the risk of overspending on features and capabilities that a small organization may never use.


CubeDrive - A Right Balance for Your Business

For organizations with limited funds, it's often more practical to choose a CRM solution that aligns with their immediate needs, budget constraints, and resource availability, while still offering room for growth and scalability as the business expands. Light CRM solutions like CubeDrive can offer the right balance for such organizations.