Preparing the high-quality dataset is the key step to build Enterprise large language model. The financial dataset is a combination of Stanford's Alpaca and FiQA with another 1.3k pairs custom dataset generated using GPT3.5.

Why need an Enterprise AI solution

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become essential for businesses to streamline operations and improve overall efficiency. AI-powered tools can help companies automate time-consuming tasks, gain insights from vast data and make informed decisions. Due to the data security, privacy and customization, business needs an Enterprise AI solution that can work like ChatGPT but are free, open-source and running on consumer hardware.

What is Alpaca-Lora?

Alpaca-LoRA is a 7B-parameter LLaMA model finetuned to follow instructions. It is trained on the Stanford Alpaca dataset and makes use of the Huggingface LLaMA implementation. Alpaca-LoRA uses Low-Rank Adaptation(LoRA) to accelerate the training of large models while consuming less memory.


Why chooses Alpaca-Lora?

Alpaca-Lora is faster and uses less memory, which means it can run on consumer hardware. The output is much smaller (megabytes, not gigabytes). Business can combine multiple fine-tuned models together at runtime.

For more details, please check Git Alpaca-LoRA repository and The official demo

Build financial dataset

Preparing the high-quality dataset is the key step to build Enterprise large language model. This financial dataset contains 68.9K instruction-following data. It is a combination of Stanford's Alpaca and FiQA with another 1.3k pairs custom dataset generated using GPT3.5.



The following lists the recommendation hardware and software for the business to run Alpaca Lora.

  • GPU machine: Graphics card with RTX 4090 (Nvidia).
  • CPUs: Intel Core i9 13900 processor
  • Python: 3.10
  • CUDA
  • cuDNN

A list of tools need to be installed, such as: Anaconda for your own python version; setuptools, pip etc.

1: wget
2: wget
   cd  setuptools-40.5.0/
   python install
3: wget
   tar -xzf pip-18.1.tar.gz
   cd pip-18.1
   python install  
4: Create own version of python 
   conda create -n alpaca python=3.9
   conda activate alpaca

Financial LLM Python Implementation

We will create a Python environment to run Alpaca-Lora on our local machine.

1: Cloning GitHub Repository

$ git clone
$ cd .\alpaca-lora\

2: Install dependencies

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

3: Training

The python file named contains the hyperparameters of the LLaMA model, like batch size, number of epochs, learning rate (LR), etc., which you can play with.

$ python \
    --base_model 'decapoda-research/llama-7b-hf' \
    --data_path='./data/finance/data/alpaca-finance.json' \
    --output_dir='./output/finance' \
    --num_epochs 10 

4: Running the Model

The python file named will read the Hugging Face model and LoRA weights from tloen/alpaca-lora-7b. It runs a user interface using Gradio, where the user can write a question in a textbox and receive the output in a separate textbox.

python \
    --load_8bit \
    --base_model 'decapoda-research/llama-7b-hf' \
    --lora_weights 'output/finance'

Open https://localhost:7860 in the browser for quick test


Docker Setup & Inference

Build the container image:

docker build -t alpaca-lora .

Run the container (you can also use and all of its parameters as shown above for training):

docker run --gpus=all --shm-size 64g -p 7860:7860 -v /.cache:/root/.cache --rm alpaca-lora \
    --load_8bit \
    --base_model 'decapoda-research/llama-7b-hf' \
    --lora_weights 'tloen/alpaca-lora-7b'

Open https://localhost:7860 in the browser