Enforcement activities

 Keywords: Form; Workflow; Data transfer

A form allows inspectors to enter enforcement information. And the related workflow will trigger the actions based on the inspector input data.

Create form

You can click template to check the form. You can also login in your CubeDrive account. Click "+ Create Form" button to start build a form with drag and drop method. Enter a list of fields in the form and click "Save & Publish", your form is generated online.


Apply workflow

After you open the form, click icon and start build application business logic. Configure the flow and add your business logic to the application.

  • Based on the enforcement action submitted by the inspector, system will redirect the related information to the different form. Each form will have its own business logic to process next action.
  • Push the input data to the other form in the system.

Print, touch

You can setup the template and print your own format PDF. After you open the form, click icon and start to enter the print template (html+CSS). You will be able to print the form information in your own way. You can also access your data from the mobile device.

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