Nonprofit program

 Keywords: Online program; Online approval; Touch

Program is an important part for the nonprofit organization. This application is part of program management. It includes the following functions:

  • Employee creates the program which need to be approved by the manager.
  • Manager approves the program online.
  • System will active or deactive the program based on the manager decision.

Create form

You can click program template to see the program. You can also login in your CubeDrive account. Click "+ Create Form" button to start build a form with drag and drop method. Enter a list of fields in the form and click "Save & Publish", your form is generated online.


Create workflow to process approval

Click "+ Create flow" button to start to build a workflow which email notification and online approval can be added to the form.


Touch access and print

User can access form from mobile phone. Administrator can approve the program through email link, export as an Excel, PDF file for the future reference.

form       form       form      

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