Purchase approval

 Keywords: Online approval; Data flow; Data track

This case shows the process for building an application which is used to approve the purchase based on the following rules.

  • For any purchase, a manager needs to check and approve it first.
  • If the purchase price is more than 2000 USD, the CEO needs to check and approve it after the manager approves it.
  • The manager and CEO can approve the process through an email link.
  • Once the purchase is approved, the record is set to read only.
  • Once the purchase is approved, the purchaser needs to receive a confirmation email.

Create purchase form

You can click purchase template to view the form. You can also login into your CubeDrive account. Click "+ Create Form" button to start build a form with drag and drop method. Enter a list of fields in the form and click "Save & Publish", your form is generated online.



In this form, purchase detail field is a table which allows the user to enter detailed purchase information. This table is linked to another form, so the administrator can view/analyze all purchase items. in one place.


Create workflow to process purchase

After you open the form, click icon and start to build application business logic. You can configure the flow and add purchase logic to the system.

  • Send out email notifications when employees submit a new purchase
  • If the manager approves the purchase, an email notification will be sent out to the CEO or it is finalized based on the pre-defined rule.
  • Once the purchase is approved, the record will be set to read only.

Data flow and approve

You can acess your form, track the process and approve the result through email or mobile device.

form       form       form

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