Receipt reimbursement

 Keywords: Online approval; Mobile access

This case shows the process to build an application which allows employee upload their receipts, and process reimbursement which approved by manager/HR.

  • For any purchase, employees can upload their receipts for process reimbursement.
  • Employees can use their mobile device to take a picture and upload it to the system.
  • The manager gets a notification and process approval through email link.
  • HR gets a notification after manager approves it.
  • Once the purchase is approved, the purchaser will receive a confirmation email.
  • Manager and HR can export, print and track all the submitted receipts.

Create form

Login to the CubeDrive site. Click "+ Create Form" button to start build a form. Enter a list of fields in the form and click "Create form link", a form is generated online.


Create workflow to process notification

After you open the form, click icon and start build application business logic. Configure the flow and add reimburse logic to the system.


Data flow and approve

You can acess your form, track the process and approve the result throught email or mobile device.

form       form       form

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