Shareholder agreement application

 Keywords: Sharehodlers manage their share online

This is an application which allows customers to automatically process their shareholder agreement among partners easily.

  • Key shareholder login system, create organization, and add company shareholders to the organization.
  • Key shareholder creates dynamic forms.
  • Key shareholder creates a workflow with their business logic and binds to the form.
  • Key shareholder shares the form with the organization.
  • Key shareholder submits form data.
  • Each item will be reviewed and approved by a lawyer and shareholders through email notification.
  • Once the lawyer agrees, the item will become READ only for everyone.
  • Each shareholder can login to the system and review their own share's information.

Create form

Login to the CubeDrive site. Click "+ Create Form" button to start building a form with drag and drop way. Enter a list of fields in the form and click "Save & Publish", a form will then be generated online.


Apply workflow

After you open the form, click icon and start build application business logic. Configure the flow and add logic to the application.


This flow includes the following four steps

  • Notify sharehodler
  • Once shareholder agrees, process to lawyer for review and confirmation
  • Once lawyer agrees, notify shareholders
  • Set item to READ only

Start to use

ClickExample, you can start to use this application after you login to the system (username:; password: abcabc).


form       form       form       form       form

General shareholder (username:; password: abcabc) can only see their own share's information.


Data analyze

Based on the condition setup, shareholders can get the different chart results from the selected data.


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