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CubeDrive platform lets organization easily drag and drop to create the timesheet application. It is used to verify and approve the employee timesheet.

The benefits of timesheet application

With the timesheet application, employee can easily submit their timesheet online and get approved quickly.

  • Employee can enter their weekly or monthly timesheet online.
  • Once submitted, the manager can approve the timesheet on any devices.
  • Organization can track the flow data and custom the PDF template.

Create the timesheet application

You can login into your CubeDrive account. Click "+ New Application" button to start build the timesheet application with drag and drop method. Enter a list of fields in the form and click "Save & Publish", timesheet is generated online.

Tip: User can easily get the total hours for the current month.

Create workflow to process the approval

Once employee submits the data. The manager and HR needs to approve them. The flow is used to process data transfer. You can open the form, click icon and start to add application business logic by configure the flow.

  • If the timesheet is rejected by the manager or HR, an email notification will be sent to the employee.
  • Once the timesheet is approved by manager and HR, the record will be set to read only.
Tip: In the flow, you need make it Enabled to active the flow.

Data track and print template

Organization can access the application, track the process and setup the print template. Manager can approve the timesheet on mobile device easily.
