Tobacco control

 Keywords: Workflow; Data mnagement; Project; Tobacco control

The Tobacco Control requires a workflow and data management solution which effectively supports national and regional program activities authorized under TVPA, CCPSA and FDA. This project gives inspectors a tool to process tobacco compliance and enforcement. It also allows inspectors to plan, track and document those activities.

Compliance and Enforcement (C&E) Activities

Use this tool to implement compliance and enforcement activities related to tobacco control. User can link activities with establishments, products and other activities. Keep the programs, associated tasks, issues, and parties organized in one place, leaving more time to devote to the organization's mission.

Login to your CubeDrive account, you can click project icon on the sidebar to start building a project with drag and drop method.


Put all data together

Before you create the project and put all data together, you need have the related applications created. In this example, the following applications are created:

  • Regulated party - A form includes the regulated party information.
  • Enforcement activities - The enforcement activity will be input into the system by the inspector and trigger the action related to it through workflow.
  • Verbal warnings - A form to hold the verbal warning information and its related actions.
  • Written warnings - A form to hold the written warning information and its related actions.
  • Tickets - A form to hold the ticket information and its related actions.
  • Report to crown counsel - A form to hold the report information and its related actions.
  • Industry report - A form allows the regulated party to submit their report online.

Click "Edit flow", you can start building the project with all applications linked together. Drag and drop the shape from the side bar, you can link the shape to the existing form, set the element properties, and setup the condition.


Data mining

With all the raw data input into the system by the user, the system will be able to generate the report.


Click the "Generate report" button, the system will extract the related information from applications and create a PDF file with customer required format for future reference.


Plan tasks

Inspectors can be assigned tasks based on needs. Click "Task" tab, you will be able to add tasks and plan schedule to process the activities.


Task information includes due date, remind date, assigned users, attachment files and comments.


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